The Fairer Friend (this one is for the ladies)

A Girl’s Night Out can be the most fun a woman has all year. All the worries of family life, work and business, dating, finances are pushed to the distant corners of her mind as the music blasts, hands are thrown in the air, hips sway without a care and the girls let out all the juicy stories that hadn’t gotten an appropriate occasion to tantalize the trusted ears prior. Our girls are fun! This is definitely true. So I ask, why then throughout the rest of the year do women put their trust in the men or man in their life? Why do we see the women who would understand us in a special way and who give us an opportunity to be truly free and ourselves as a threat the rest of the year? What happens to the conviction of “girl power” and “women sticking together”? I don’t mean to imply that men are all monsters or dogs as is often said. We know why we love them after all. We know how it feels to even be in love with them. So it’s not that women should shun the boys. We know we need them (even just for the sole purpose God gave them to us for). What would be wonderful though is just as all around there is pressure to have a man and spend the rest of our lives with them, why not the culture where we can’t live without our girls? Why not appreciate them and trust them? Why have those sometimes-secret suspicions of their intentions? You know those stereotypes; man-snatcher, back-biter, career-hindrance? Can all women really have all these traits?

As a woman I say NO to this secret persistent animosity for my fellow woman. I say NO to clawing any woman seen next to my man and letting him get off scot-free at the same time. I say NO to playground-like shouting matches with the lady who accidentally bumps you with her trolley at the supermarket. Rather, I say YES to sharing sorrows with that friend I know understands the pains women go through. YES to objectively backing a sister with a good idea. And definitely YES to making more girl pals.

Ladies, let us be each other’s rock not each other’s stumbling block. Let us celebrate a woman’s success and not go green with envy or label her as a Jezebel. As a woman, you ought to know that women are more than capable of success without using devious methods to attain it. You have strength that even you don’t understand. We heal from childbirth and from heartbreak. We have to give our kind at least an ounce of credit. And let’s not forget to be the people we would want our fellow women to be: trustworthy, encouraging, loving, comforting and available for us. Stand behind yourself and your sisters for the change you want to see but don’t forget, paraphrasing from the great Michael Jackson’s hit: START WITH THE WOMAN IN THE MIRROR!


Have a lovely new day ladies!

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